Violence and Drug use are a huge problem in Rio. Mostly these problems are located in the favelas, which refers to shanty slum areas. As we see in the film there is great majority of youths from these areas that partake in the drugs and the crime. These youth would be considered foot soldiers. Leaders of the gangs have much of their dirty work done by these youths because of lesser penalties. According to the film’s special edition cut, one person dies in Rio de Janeiro every half hour. 90% are shot by large caliber bullets.

A prevalent theme in the movie is the drug use. The gangs in the film see this as their great opportunity to make big money. Drug trafficking employs 100,000 people in Rio de Janeiro, which is also mentioned in the special edition of the DVD. This actually the same number of people that the city has on its payroll. The first Tuesday of every month, the Rio police force brings all there confiscated drugs for the month to a certain junkyard. The drugs are incinerated in a high temperature oven. This takes about two hours to burn them all. The police confiscate on an average between 200 kilos and up to 3 or 4 tons a month in drugs.

I thought the “City of God” was a great movie. Though, I would not recommend to people with weak stomachs. It was a very violent film and had some disturbing scenes. I thought the directors did a great job at capturing the realness of this true story. Though, it is not really a happy story but a story that needed to be told. “City of God” educates the viewer on the ongoing problems that are happening in the favelas of Rio de Janeiro. The picture that is above this paragraph is a favela neighborhood. I would recommend this film to others in the future.